Brought to you by GDG NoCo, GDG Boulder, GDG Denver
Mountain Region
DevFest 2020
Kotlin - Google Assistant - Flutter - Spring
October 17, 2020 9am - 6:00 PM
The Speakers
Enrique López-Mañas
Coroutines and JVM
Android and Java/Kotlin Software Engineer with excellent technical skills and over 10 years of experience. Familiar with iOS and full-stack development, including Google Cloud and other corporate frameworks. Excellent Java and Kotlin programming expertise (recognized as a Google Developer Expert in Android and Kotlin). Author of “Android High-Performance programming”. Experience as a Tech Lead.

Freelance Software Engineer

Spring Developer Advocate
Josh Long
Kotlin and Spring: an Pragmatic Pair
Josh (@starbuxman) has been the first Spring Developer Advocate since 2010. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 6 books (including O'Reilly's "Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry" and "Reactive Spring") and numerous best-selling video training (including "Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons" with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin, etc), a podcaster ("A Bootiful Podcast") and a YouTuber.
Waleed Ashad
Slivers in Flutter
Waleed Arshad is a mobile technologist and a core mobile developer. He has recently been titled as the first person from Pakistan to become a Google Developer Expert in Flutter. He mainly focuses on developing cross-platform mobile applications on Flutter and is always inclined towards consistently coping up with leading-edge technology orientations.

GDE Flutter

Technical Trainer for Apigee
Ricardo de Andrade
Building an App for the Assistant with No Code
Ricardo de Andrade is a Technical Trainer for Apigee at Google, with 20+ years of experience in technology. Prior to Google and Apigee Ricardo has held roles as Architect, Developer Evangelist and Software Developer. Ricardo holds an MBA, MS in Software Engineering from San Jose State in San Jose, California and BS in Computer Engineering from Pontificia Universidade Catolica in his home country of Brazil. Ricardo is currently pursuing a PhD at Florida Atlantic University.
Efthymios Sarmpanis
Feature Isolation in Flutter Apps
- Involved in Flutter since more than a year, before it's v1.0 days.
- Created a couple of libraries under Flutterings (https://github.com/flutterings)
- Organizing Athens Flutter Group (https://meetup.com/Athens-Flutter-Group)
- Assisted in the creation of flutterx.com.
- Landed a couple commits in Flutter's main repo

Tech Lead
Video by Jessica Dene Earley-Cha
Multiple ways to build for Google Assistant - Video by Jessica Dene Earley-Cha, Expert Q&A with Uri First
The Google Assistant is here to change the way users get things done. This intro session will cover the fundamentals of the Google Assistant and what you can build for the assistive future. See which development journeys to take as a web developer, Android app developer, or as you're building an Action from scratch. Learn how to make your existing content easily available on the Assistant and how to create new immersive Assistant experiences. This is a pre-recorded talk with expert Q&A with Uri First, Software Engineer!

Developer Advocate
October 17, 2020
9:00 am
Welcome Session - Kübra Zengin
9:30 am
Guided Code Lab, Google Assistant - Mark from GDG Denver
Join us for a session with Mountain Region's very own GDE for Google Assistant, Mark, from GDG Denver. Mark will walk attendees through the Code Lab: Actions on Google, Level 1.
11:00 am
Coroutines and JVM - Enrique López Mañas
Have you ever wondered how the coroutines work under the hood? What were the design goals of the Kotlin coroutines and how are they implemented on JVM? This session will help you to understand some of the underlying principles behind the coroutines, and how they can be effectively be used on the JVM.
12:00 pm
Kotlin and Spring: an Pragmatic Pair - Josh Long
Spring Boot, the convention-over-configuration centric framework from the Spring team at Pivotal, marries Spring's flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development on the JVM not just fly, but pleasant! Spring Boot aims to address the common functional and non-functional requirements that gate quickly moving to production. The framework is as clean as it gets, wouldn't it be nice if the language matched its elegance?
Kotlin, the productivity-focused language from our friends at JetBrains, takes up the slack to make the experience leaner, cleaner and even more pleasant!
The Spring and Kotlin teams have worked hard to make sure that Kotlin and Spring Boot are a first-class experience for all developers trying to get to production, faster and safer. Come for the Spring and stay for the Bootiful Kotlin.
Slivers in Flutter - Waleed Ashad
This talk is for all those who want to create some cool scrollable UIs in Flutter including amazing collapsables, multi-list views, heterogeneous elements on a single screen and similar features. It'll include some basic concepts about slivers, along with a live coding recipe that practically shows how to use Slivers in your Flutter application.
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
Building an App for the Assistant with No Code- Ricardo de Andrade
Join us for a hands-on, fun and interactive session where Ricardo will take us through building an app on the Assistant with no code!
Feature Isoloation in Flutter Apps - Efthymis Sarmpanis
3:00 pm
Writing clean code is the priority of every developer, but sometimes navigating the ocean of pattern and guidelines can leave us disoriented and confused.
This is where Feature Isolation can come to Help!
Efthymios Sarmpanis Organizer of the Flutter Athens Meetup and writer of many articles about Flutter, is coming to give us his point of view on how the un-opinionated nature of Flutter, in regards to application code structure, is liberating for a developer, but usually leads to cluttered code and a non-standardized code layout.
Utilizing principles from Domain-Driven Design (D.D.D.) and S.O.L.I.D. principles and being greatly inspired by Angular’s modulated structure, Efthymios will present Feature Isolation as an application architecture that can promote clean code, discrete feature boundaries and a clear dependency graph among the different features of the application.
4:00 pm
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Multiple ways to build for Google Assistant - Video by Jessica Dene Earley-Cha, Expert Q&A with Uri First
The Google Assistant is here to change the way users get things done. This intro session will cover the fundamentals of the Google Assistant and what you can build for the assistive future. See which development journeys to take as a web developer, Android app developer, or as you're building an Action from scratch. Learn how to make your existing content easily available on the Assistant and how to create new immersive Assistant experiences. This is a pre-recorded talk with expert Q&A with Uri First, Software Engineer!
5:00 pm
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Games and Prizes with GDG Boulder!
GDG Boulder are not just amazing experts in technology, they are also amazing experts in fun! Join us for a round of simple but engaging games to unwind and connect with our Mountain GDG Community!
A prize drawing will take place after games end! Prizes TBA!